Let Jarrid Manage Sensitive Data for You

Jarrid's data collection SDKs enable developers to speak the same languages as security, privacy, regulation and compliance teams. Data collected are automatically tagged with configurable policies managed by security and counsel. Each policy ensure that data is encrypted, protected, and compliant at all times.

Create Transparency and Trust with Your Users

Users can see and configure the data they are sharing with you, fostering transparency and trust.

Managed Security, Governance, Privacy, and Compliance

Simplify your infosec, governance, privacy, legal, and compliance efforts with our developer-friendly open source SDKs.

Privacy-Preserving Data Analytics and AI

Achieve high performance and cost-effective data analytics and AI on encrypted data without compromise privacy and security.

Data Marketplace

Our platform enables companies to exchange data collected from other companies with clear user consent.

Let's Chat
We are a dedicated team actively expanding our capabilities. We are eager to learn about your use cases and tailor our features to meet your needs.


Policy as Configuration
Jarrid makes it easy for security, legal, and compliance teams to configure data collection and management policies with simple configurations.
Jar-SDK Integrations
Both app developers and data engineers can leverage Jarrid's integrations with minimal code changes via the Jar-SDK. The SDK automatically manages key management, encryption/decryption, and policy metadata in the background, ensuring data is handled according to its security, privacy, and compliance configurations at all stages of the data lifecycle.
Data Flow
Jarrid provides a simple abstraction layer for security, legal, and compliance teams, enabling app developers and data engineers to work seamlessly. With predefined policy configurations, engineers can develop applications and data pipelines without guessing requirements and constraints.
  1. Platform initiated data collection request from user
  2. Add Jar-SDK to existing app backend and data pipeline code
  3. Jar-SDK handles encryption/description, key management based on pre-defined policies
  4. Data is sent to designated datastore or passed on in the pipeline accordingly


👋 I'm Lulu. I'm a software engineer with over 10 years of experience working with data, AI/ML, backend, infrastructure, platform, security, legal, and compliance.
Many times, I've tried to build a new product feature or data pipeline. After months of talking to security, legal, and compliance teams, I still had no clue what their requirements were. 🙈
I decided to take on the security and compliance engineer role on the infrastructure team. Guess what... I was confused about my own requirements too. Every time I asked different people, I got different answers. 🤦‍♀️
App developers. Data engineers. Platform engineers. Security. Legal. Compliance. We all speak different languages, yet we are all crucial to the success.. or simply the existence.. of the business. Not being able to meet compliance requirements can, in fact, kill a business.
On one flight from SF back to NYC, I thought.. What if there's an expressive and declaritive framework to define security, privacy and compliance policy? Developers could integrate directly into data handlers in existing applications and data pipelines. 💡
I spent the next few weeks building out Jarrid. Taking inspiration from internet cookies, I want to put 🍪 back in the 🫙.
Imagine.. before you get targeted ads for the 1000th time, finally there's a way to say no. Remember, AI is using the data you and I created collectively on the public internet, but OpenAI is making money off us from the free data we've created.
As an engineer, I truly believe by creating the right abstraction, we can tackle the most complex problems.
Anyways.. Give it a try and let me know what do you think. 🙏


Keyper by Jarrid is a suite of crypto key management APIs that simplify key creation, management, deployment, and encryption/decryption. It supports file-based operations for easy automation and tracking via GitOps. Fully integrated with cloud KMS services like AWS KMS and GCP KMS, Keyper reduces infrastructure maintenance.

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