Keyper by Jarrid: Simplify Crypto Key Management
By Lulu Cheng on 2024-07-01

Jarrid is excited to announce the release of Keyper, a powerful multi-platform Kotlin (Java) based CLI tool designed to simplify crypto key management and deployment with just a few commands. Think of Keyper as the Stripe for crypto keys. We know there are many features to be added, but we'd like to share this early release and welcome your feedback.

Keyper manages cryptokeys in two layers: Key Configuration > Terraform Integration.

Key Configuration File Generation

Crypto key configurations help keep each key well documented and managed. We chose a file-based approach because it is:

  • Flexible
    Easily extend to track additional metadata within your deployment stack or organizational information.
  • Readable
    More digestible format for developers and users from other teams compared to Terraform.
  • File Based
    Easily integrated with GitOps workflows for UI/editable experiences, checking diffs, automating approvals, and deployments without additional tools. Files also allow for easy change event tracking and auditing if needed. You can also swap file backend to key-value storage for infinite scalability.

Example Crypto Key Configuration

  "usage": "CREATE_KEY",
  "keyId": "<uuid>",
  "created": "2024-06-30T06:45:54.414795Z",
  "deploymentId": "<uuid>",
  "context": {
    "platform": "jarrid",
    "application": "keyper",
    "intent": "encrypt/decrypt",
    "scope": "test"

Generating a Key Configuration File with Keyper CLI

keyper key --usage CREATE_KEY --backend LOCAL --stack GCP
  • --usage CREATE_KEY:
    Trigger creation of a new crypto key. Future functionality includes: SHARE_KEY, ENCRYPT, DECRYPT. Track progress here.
  • --backend LOCAL:
    Store configuration files locally for easy integration with GitHub and automated deployment.
  • --stack GCP:
    Generate configuration files for GCP.

Terraform Integration

Keyper wraps the creation and management of resources in Terraform. This allows for multi-cloud support, state management, and dependency resolution. Currently, we support GCP, with plans to add AWS soon. Terraform comes with the following benefits:

  • Multi Cloud/Platform Support
    Terraform make it easy to translate one key configuration into various cloud providers such as AWS, GCP, Azure. Terraform natively integrate with most deployment pipelines without additional implementation such as Github Action, GCP Cloud Deploy.
  • State Management and Dependency Resolution
    Terraform at it's core wraps cloud resource APIs. However, few features come with terraform for free. 1. State management: users can easily track diff introduced by their changes. 2. Dependency resolution: not all cloud resources could be deployed at the same time, terraform tracks and manage dependency in complex deployment for users.

Terraform adds a lot of overhead as opposed to just calling resource management APIs to set it up. Further, HCL is declarative and in the past, developers had to manage programmable logic in both HCL and other programmable libraries. Because of these drawbacks, we decided to leverage Cloud Development Kit for Terraform (CDKTF) so that we can retain the flexibility of programmable languages and break down deployment to as granular as needed while keeping the simplicity of cloud resource management and deployment pipelines.

Example Keyper Deploy Cli Usage

CDKTF has several key concept that could be easily mapped to existing Terraform vocabulary for developers that came from Terraform and HCL background.

  • cdktf synth:
    synth essentially programmatically generate the cdktf.out (similar to deployment definition file).
  • cdktf diff:
    diff is equivalent of terraform plan which shows what resources will be deploy/modified/destroy based on current resource deployment definition file generated in cdktf.out.
  • cdktf deploy:
    deploy is equivalent of terraform apply which will run the terraform plan accordingly.

Now, don't worry about the translation of these different commands. We've wrap it for you as well in keyper.

# generate deployment plan
keyper deploy plan --usage CREATE_KEY --backend LOCAL --stack GCP

# apply deployment plan
keyper deploy apply --usage CREATE_KEY --backend LOCAL --stack GCP


Create Key

Deploy Plan

Deploy Apply

Try it Yourself

Library is free to use here:

We know this is an early (buggy) release and we'd love to help you set it up. Or if you have any feedback we'd love to talk to you.

Let's Talk

Future Release

Monday Release

Jarrid drops new feature release every Monday. Stay tuned and please share any feedback with us. Together, we can build a better "Keyper" for our data.

Next Week

We will add additional feature and talk about how to use Keyper APIs to manage the end to end process to encrypt and decrypt the data.

  1. Create a crypto key with TTL
  2. Encrypt data
  3. Send encrypted data
  4. Share encrypted keys
  5. Decrypt data
  6. Destroy keys


By managing data through crypto keys (on top of existing access control), we can expose data access management beyond teams and BUs within company and allow data creators (platform users that creates the data) to have direct control over data sharing. This creates better transparency between businesses and data creators comparing to the "Terms of Usage" or "Terms of Service" checkbox.