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Keyper Configuration

We've preset keyper with app.yaml file here; however, you can override it with app.<env>.yaml.


provider:                      # terraform provider options
  tfcdk:                       # tfcdk options
    stack: "gcp"               # deploy to aws or gcp
    path: "cdktf.out"          # write cdktf artifact to directory
  aws:                         # aws provider options
    region: us-east-1          # provider region
    backend:                   # provider backend options
      type: cloud              # use local or cloud backend, use s3 if cloud
      path: terraform.tfstate  # tfstate path (for both local and cloud)
      bucket: keyper-tf-state  # bucket to use (for cloud)
    assume_role_arn:           # assume role arn to use for tf aws provider (optional)
  gcp:                         # gcp provider options
    accountId: "databoo"       # GCP project id
    region: us-east1           # provider region
    credentials:               # path to provider credentials
    backend:                   # provider backend options
      type: cloud              # use local or cloud backend, use gcs if cloud
resource:                      # resource json configurations files options
  backend:                     # backend options
    backend: "local"           # backend currently only supports local
    path: "configs"            # write json configurations files to directory

env: local                     # provide additional app.<env>.yaml override options
out_dir: "/home/keyper"        # base path of both provider.tfcdk.path and resource.backend.path


If you are using docker image, you can override app.local.yaml via -v ./app.local.yaml:/home/keyper/app.local.yaml.

docker run -it --rm --name keyper-cli \
    -v ./configs:/home/keyper/configs \
    -v ./cdktf.out:/home/keyper/cdktf.out \
    -v ./.cdktf-sa-key.json:/home/keyper/gcp.json \
    -v ./app.local.yaml:/home/keyper/app.local.yaml \ -h


If you are building jar, you can create a app.yaml in the root directory.

Terraform Configuration

Migrate Terraform Backend to Remote

You can start experimenting with local Terraform backend. However, once you are ready to take this project to full staging/production, you can migrate Terraform state backend to remote. Follow Add GCS Permission to add GCS permission to the cdktf service account.

cd cdktf.out/stacks/default
terraform init -migrate-state