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The CLI is written in Kotlin and cross compilable into Java. We choose Kotlin because we plan to release library in most languages that's compilable from C such as Python, Rust, Golang etc.


# build jar
./gradlew build 

# give permission to run the jar
chmod +x ./lib/build/libs/lib-cli.jar

# use jar as keyper CLI
java -jar ./lib/build/libs/lib-cli.jar key -h

# or wrap it into keyper
alias keyper="java -jar ./lib/build/libs/lib-cli.jar"

# try
keyper -h

# Usage: keyper [<options>] <command> [<args>]...

#   Keyper is a suite of key manage APIs to simplify key creation, management, encryption/decryption in
#   standardized and secured way. For more information, visit:

# Options:
#   -h, --help  Show this message and exit

# Commands:
#   key     Key module allow you to create, update, delete and list keys. For more information, visit:
#   deploy  Deploy module implements Terraform Cloud Development Kit underneath. It scans existing key
#           configs generated by key module and programmatically construct terraform provider, modules and
#           resources accordingly. For more information, visit:
#   data    Data module to encrypt and decrypt data. For more information, visit:


We've also built a docker image where we've packaged everything you need for you and you can use it as a CLI directly.

If you'd like to build and test it out locally:

docker build . -t keyper

Otherwise, to run CLI commands:

docker pull

Note, if you get permission denied, try to log out from first:

docker logout

Run the packaged CLI directly from docker:

# create key
docker run -it --rm --name keyper-cli \
  -v ./configs:/home/keyper/configs \
  -v ./cdktf.out:/home/keyper/cdktf.out \ resource create -t key 

# run plan
docker run -it --rm --name keyper-cli \
  -v ./configs:/home/keyper/configs \
  -v ./cdktf.out:/home/keyper/cdktf.out \
  -v ./.cdktf-sa-key.json:/home/keyper/gcp.json \
  -v ./app.local.yaml:/home/keyper/app.local.yaml deploy plan

Published Docker Image

If you don't wish to build your own, you can pull our latest docker images are published on GitHub{:target=_ blank}.